

澳门足彩app领导了一个社区参与的过程, data analysis and visionary planning to create a road map that will guide the town for the next 20 years.


的 strategic plan that guides development for the next two decades and underpins the very identity of the Town of Orange Park, 佛罗里达, 是出于需要而生的, 由强有力的公众互动提供动力,并在大流行期间交付.

进入流程, the Town Council identified the need for a visioning process to guide what had previously been a meandering path to its status quo.

它宣布选择澳门足彩app来帮助引导这一过程, 这个城市是这样描述挑战和机遇的, “对于这个城市的未来,没有一个统一的愿景. 它是否仍将是杰克逊维尔主要的卧室社区? Will rapid growth in other areas of Clay County cause Orange Park to diminish in value and attractiveness? 有没有什么经济发展的机会可以让本镇加以利用? 的 Town is interested in firmly articulating a vision for the community and then working to achieve the desired outcomes. 本市财政状况良好, has worked to make infrastructure improvements and is now ready to solidify its reputation as a highly desirable community in 佛罗里达.”

进入澳门足彩app的 总体规划 专业人士,由 克里斯弗拉格FASLA副主席和副主席&E集团运营负责人, 并由高级建筑师Shane Dankworth提供支持, 设计助理Mikhail Alert, 技师凯利·曼基宁.

“总体规划要成功, 对于项目团队来说,与社区成员建立对话是至关重要的,弗拉格说。. “明智的计划者总是先倾听. 澳门足彩app’s planning team held numerous public workshops and city hall meetings to gauge public interests and understand how the project can best meet the needs of the community.”

澳门足彩app team gathered community input over the course of 20 days of public meetings spread over multiple months and three online surveys. 因为它利用了国家拨款,所以设想工作必须在资金到期之前结束. 当COVID-19大流行来袭时,弗拉格和他的团队迅速转向使用在线工具.


  • 保持主权,财政稳定.
  • Increase small-town feel, including sense of place through communication, branding and a town square.
  • 制定交通计划,减少交通对居民的影响.

2020年8月,哈斯克尔和该镇的愿景委员会向市议会提交了报告 全面的文档 附有三个选项:

  • 什么都不做
  • 交通走廊重建,优先考虑城镇的主要要道
  • 以主题为基础的目标, which included goals of the 运输 plan as well as projects to enhance residential parts of the town as well, 比如制定出行计划, 建立可步行的商业和娱乐路线,并解决社区的可持续性问题, 包括防洪和连接绿道.

Council voted unanimously to adopt the third and most comprehensive option largely because 澳门足彩app worked so diligently to gather and feature the voices of community members, 弗拉格说.

奥兰治公园镇经理莎拉·坎贝尔对此表示赞同, citing the level of collaboration and partnership that formed during the visioning process and continues as bricks-and-mortar work begins.

坎贝尔说:“这个项目持续了大约一年,但我们的关系仍在继续。. “哈斯克尔的工作对我们的社区来说毫无疑问是一种变革. 社区参与的过程, data analysis and visionary planning has set Orange Park on course for a future it could not have imagined otherwise. 奥兰治公园实施其20年战略远景计划将是一项挑战, 但激动人心的工作已经开始了.”

作为设计负责人,Flagg是澳门足彩app社区高级设计的领军人物. But he’s also highly cognizant and enthusiastic about the company’s vast integrated project delivery. 他说,最终,概念性工作是伟大设施和社区的起源.

“规划是设计-建造过程的‘第一天’,”他说. “成功的设计和施工依赖于坚固, 详细规划, 澳门足彩app拥有丰富的规划资源缓存. 事实上, 澳门足彩app是一家PAEC(规划/建筑/工程/建设)公司, 而不仅仅是一家标准的AEC公司. 澳门足彩app的设计-构建过程完全集成了规划, 设计, 和建筑, 所以澳门足彩app可以成为一个项目的单一源提供商, 从规划阶段开始一直到施工完成.”

联系Flagg和澳门足彩app的高度完成的设计专业人员 在改变你的项目或社区时获得指导和灵感.

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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